Tell me about Bike Trains

Bike Train PosterThe Bike Trains at Wedgwood and Thornton Creek Elementary school are  pilot programs started as UW Senior Maya Jacobs Capstone project. She had heard about the bike trains in Portland and wanted to bring some of that experience to Seattle elementary school.

Jacobs is currently piloting Bike Programs at Thorton Creek Elementary and Wedgwood Elementary in NE Seattle. She has no immediate plans to expand this pilot, but that doesn’t mean you can use the resources here on Walk.Bike.Schools!

To get your own program/Bike Train started, here are some initial resources (to come):

  • History of Bike Trains (is there a single link that explains where they come from?)
  • how do they work?
  • Example  of how it works (maybe a day in life of a bike train post by maya or a parent)?
  • how do I start one? (again, another blog post that would be great to have/point to)
  • And for updated info on Seattle Bike Trains, check out current posts from the “bike trains” category on this blog (direct link to the Bike Trains category)

Still Curious? Pictures (or videos in this case) are always worth a thousand words:

What is a Bike Train? from Colorado Safe Routes to School

Portland Bike Trains

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